About Jordan

About Jordan

The People

Joining local people for a cup of tea or coffee can be a wonderful way to learn more about local culture. If you are invited, yet are unable to attend, then it is perfectly acceptable to decline. Place your right hand over your heart and politely make your excuses. Many families, particularly in rural areas, are very traditional and if you visit their house you may well find it is divided between the men and women. Foreign women are often treated as “honorary” men.
Local women in Jordan enjoy considerable freedom when compared with many other countries in the region. Women are entitled to a full education, can vote, drive cars, and often play significant roles in business and politics. Arranged marriages and dowries are still common.


Arabic is the official language but English is widely spoken and understood. Most road signs are in Arabic and English.


The first thing you will notice when you arrive to Jordan is that the people are warm and welcoming to tourists. You will be pleasantly surprised by the sense of security you will find in Jordan. It is one of the safest places to travel to in the world. Jordan maintains good relations with its neighbors and its truly an oasis of peace in the region. Jordan has proven over and over again to be a safe haven.


Jordan boasts a Mediterranean climate ideal for year-round holidays and travel. Amman is sunny and cloudless from May to October, with average temperatures around 23°C (73°F). Springtime brings optimal weather, lush with greenery, while autumn is equally mild and pleasant. July and August are hot and dry but not oppressive. Aqaba and the Jordan Valley are ideal winter resorts, with temperatures averaging 16-22°C (61-72°F) between November and April. There is very little rain in the Aqaba area and in the desert. Visitors from northern climates should always be aware of the inherent risks involved from extended exposure to the sun and are advised to take appropriate precautions.

Travel insurance

It is an essential condition of joining any holiday all over the world. Make sure you have a valid travel insurance policy to cover the cost of any emergency medical treatment. There are suppliers of travel insurance in which you can get it in your country.


Jordan borders Israel (and the Palestinian National Authority Region), the Syrian Arab Republic, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. At 400m (1,300ft) below sea level, the Dead Sea, in the northwest of Jordan, is the lowest point on earth and one of the country’s most distinctive features. The Red Sea, of which Jordan has a narrow access at Aqaba in the southwest, is teeming with sea life.
The River Jordan flows into the Dead Sea, and there are plans to build a canal – the Two Seas Canal (or the Dead-Red Canal) – to link the Dead Sea to the Red Sea. Capital Amman perches above the Dead Sea Depression, at a height of 800m (2,625ft), surrounded to the north by undulating hills, and by desert escarpments to the south, on which graze the sheep and goat herds of nomadic tribes.
Jordan’s northeastern flank is flat desert sprinkled with oases, while the spectacular southeastern desert is characterized by wind-eroded forms and brightly colored sandstone cliffs. Egypt, Lebanon and Israel are all close by and we are happy to help you arrange an extension visit to these countries.